Dear readers:
I apologize for the inconvenience of our delay in posting. It is my displeasure to say we will not be reviewing the shows from the "upcoming" list at the bottom of our last blog posts. Instead, we will be fast forwarding through them and writing about shows within a few days of seeing them from here on out. However, I can give you a rundown for each of the shows from the last few months...
The Forum - Harrisburg, PA
September 11, 2010
The Spoon show was horrible because of bad lighting. The lights were directly in line with our eyes because we had floor seats and the stage is sort of low. I couldn't see anything and so I fell asleep (but most shows that I've fallen asleep in I've loved). The sound was weird, too. It was a weird venue for a rock concert. We think we would have liked other stuff there. I have nothing against Spoon. But I have a lot against that show. No further comment.
Stupid lights at the Forum. It was much worse than it looks in this photo.
Hoots & Hellmouth
Mother Earth Harvest Festival at Spoutwood Farm - Glen Rock, PA
October 3, 2010
Very good concert. I like them because they have stomp boards made of wood with tambourines attached to them. Mama actually let me take photos, which is surprising. It was outside during the daytime. When Spoutwood has events, they have really good food. I had two cherry smoothies and two hemp soft pretzels. Overall, a really good show.
You can see the stomp boards. I took this photo!
Carter with Rob Berliner from Hoots & Hellmouth.
Jason & Grant from Ghost Hunters
Pullo Center - York, PA
October 15, 2010
It was the best show ever - and it counts as a show because they sang half of "Happy Birthday" to someone in the audience. They showed videos and electronic voice phenomena (EVPs) and they took questions, but Mama was mean and wouldn't let me ask any. Through a series of very fortunate events, I got to meet them afterwards.
Carter with his heroes, Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson from TAPS/Ghost Hunters.
The Felice Brothers
Capitol Theatre - York, PA
October 21, 2010
Second best show ever! Mama is the most amazing person ever because she won a silent auction and got me a washboard that the band has slammed on a cymbal multiple times (and when I say multiple, I mean like a hundred) onstage in their shows. After the show, their merch guy got everybody in the band to sign it. Then I was hanging out, talking to Greg Farley, their fiddle player, and he said I should sign his drum because he thought I was going to be famous one day for playing the trumpet.
Carter with Greg Farley from the Felice Brothers and the washboard.
Carter signing a drum they use as a stand for a synthesizer.
Rusted Root
Pullo Center - York, PA
November 4, 2010
Front row, baby! Our friends, Mark DeRose and the Way Home, opened for this show. They played some of their new songs and we were singing along already, because we heard them in a living room concert before that. I knew the words when nobody else did, so it felt pretty special. Rusted Root was amazing. I liked the lead singer, Michael Glabicki's voice very much, and I liked Liz Berlin's voice very much, too. When they came out for the encore, Michael walked right up to the front of the stage and handed me a guitar pick. When we were walking out, the two of them were singing a song with one acoustic guitar at the merch booth. So we stopped and listened and then got to meet them and he signed the pick.
Carter with Michael Glabicki and Liz Berlin.
Langhorne Slim
Capitol Theatre - York, PA
December 3, 2010
This was the first late-night CapLive show. The opener for this show was Ryan Lauder. He was very good. He was from Scotland and I liked his accent. Langhorne Slim was very good, too. I definitely heard a lot of his music before because Mama loves him. I think concerts are more fun sometimes if you have heard the music before.
Carter with Ryan Lauder. We gave him and Langhorne Slim their very own I Love York City sweatshirts!
Carter with Langhorne Slim himself.
Stephen Kellogg & The Sixers
The Tin Angel - Philadelphia, PA
December 30, 2010
The Tin Angel is really small and there's a restaurant below the venue with really good food. We had dinner first and then went upstairs to see the concert. The opener was Javier Colon and Mama and our friend cried during one of his songs. The Sixers did not play my favorite song, but were very good. They did play "Big Easy" and "Start the Day Early," so I got to sing along to some of the show.
With Javier Colon, who opened for SK6ERS at this show.
Lyle Lovett & John Hiatt
Strand Theatre - York, PA
January 26, 2011
Mama was writing a story about this show for Tri State Indie, and since it snowed that night, our seats got upgraded to about the fourth row. I liked the show. It was just two guys with guitars, so it was very different from a lot of the shows we've been to lately. They took turns playing songs and made funny jokes and told stories in between. I know it was a good show because country isn't my style, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Visit the Concert Calendar page to see what shows we're going to next!