Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Tony Lucca - World Cafe Live - Philadelphia, PA - March 5, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Fast Forward
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Rhett Miller - Capitol Theatre - York, PA - September 10, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Carolina Chocolate Drops - Capitol Theatre - York, PA - September 8, 2010

Sunday, November 7, 2010
A Note from Carter
Lee Harvey Osmond - ourhouse - York, PA - August 22, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Hot August Blues - Oregon Ridge Park - Cockeysville, MD - August 21, 2010
We heard about Hot August Blues a few months ago, when a friend who’s obsessed with Jackie Greene and Black Joe Lewis & The Honeybears told us both were on the bill for the festival. At some point, Jackie Greene canceled, but by that time we’d had a chance to see the entire line-up, and we were pretty excited. This was the 18th annual event, and Mama got to interview festival organizer Brad Selko earlier in the week for a story she wrote for Tri State Indie.
Oregon Ridge Park is an easy drive from York – it’s only two easy turns off I-83.
Mama: There was plenty of parking in a field adjacent to the festival. There was an area for food vendors, with an adjacent side stage, an area for non-food vendors, and a main stage at the bottom of a large hill that reminded me of a ski slope.
Carter: There was a corn-on-the-cob vendor. I didn’t try it because I was too stuffed.
Mama: I had an ear of corn with Old Bay on it for dinner. It was delicious. For lunch, I had a crepe stuffed with tomatoes, basil, and fresh mozzarella. They had the traditional, junky festival food, but also some atypical options from local businesses.
Carter: I had a sausage sandwich and some fries. They had pizza, which was also delicious. At the end, I had an ice cream cone that they dipped in chocolate and rolled in nuts when I ordered it.
Mama: It was really hot, even at night, and I didn’t want to deal with an ice cream cone, so I had a root beer float for dessert.
Carter: Now, for the actual show. The Bridge, from Baltimore, was playing when we got there, but I wasn’t really paying attention.
Mama: We caught the end of their set, but I think you were still looking around and getting acclimated to the whole vibe.
Carter: There were other good vendors that didn’t sell food. I got a cool wristband.
Mama: I liked that booth the best.
Carter: The guy was really, really nice.
Mama: He was, and his stuff was cool. He makes all the leather cuffs from repurposed belts and things.
Carter: There was a hula-hoop vendor there, too. I got to try out the hoops.
Mama: After we walked around for a little while, we headed back to the main stage to stake out a good spot for Black Joe Lewis & The Honeybears, since they were the act Carter was most excited to see. It was pretty easy to find a spot in front of the stage to spread out our blanket. Of course, once they started, we stood up and danced our butts off.
Carter: The day involved a lot of lemonade and water, just like at XPN Fest.
Mama: It was really, really hot. For some reason, I wasn’t expecting it to be that hot. I kept wishing we’d brought those cool packs that go around our necks that we got at XPN Fest. We used a lot of sunscreen and drank a lot of beverages.
Carter: Black Joe Lewis was awesome. They didn’t play “Get Yo Shit,” though. Mama started yelling “Get Yo Shit!” and so did most of the people around us, but they didn’t play an encore.
Black Joe Lewis & The Honeybears
Mama: After that we saw Keb' Mo', who might be in the top three coolest people on the entire planet.
Carter: #1 and #2 are Chuck Norris.
Mama: [sigh] ...Anyway, he is the Real Deal. His music just feels like the South. It's blues-y, and it's warm and welcoming and lonely and familiar all at the same time. I could have listened to him for hours.
Carter: After Keb' Mo', we saw some people playing hackey-sack.
Mama: I could see you eyeing up the circle, but you were being kinda shy about walking over and joining in.
Carter: So Mama and I went together. They were really nice and everyone was giving me pointers. Mama thought I was good.
Mama: I was surprised by how quickly you picked it up and how well you took everyone’s advice on moves to try. I think you’re a hackey-sack-hippie-hustler.
Carter: It runs in the family!
Mama: I was a little rusty, but I used to hack a lot, back in high school and college. It’s a great way to meet new people.
Carter: They were very, very nice.
Mama: I think all of them were involved in one way or another with the show. One was a guitar tech…not sure what everyone else’s role was, but they were on break and I had fun talking to them while we played.
Carter: Then it got dark and I got my ice cream cone, and we watched Lyle Lovett, and I was happy, and we left.
Mama: Lyle Lovett and His Large Band were really cool. The band was definitely worthy of its name. It was a 16-piece band and they took up the whole stage. They were all really good musicians, and it just felt so cool to hear Lyle Lovett in that big open space under the stars.
Carter: I thought it was a well-organized event. I’m excited to go back next year.
Check back soon for our reviews of these live shows: Lee Harvey Osmond at Ourhouse in York, Carolina Chocolate Drops at the Capitol Theatre, Rhett Miller at the Capitol Theatre, and Spoon at The Forum in Harrisburg, PA.